And time flies by…

Jun 2023

,,,And zooooom, just like that, a chocka 8 months of allsorts has run its course (how the heck did that happen?) - so whats been happening and whats coming up in the MoonAmaia space?
(Note: Scroll to the end of this article if you’re just keen to see the update about shipping in June, July, August and September 2023)


I hope everyone is doing ok - whereever in the world you may be! Here in New Zealand, things have been a little tumultuous, especially when it comes to weather. Summer ended up being a time of storms, cyclones and so much flooding for many. Its devastating to see the impacts that nature can have on people’s lives and homes. A reminder to really be grateful for what we have and for all the support and love and help that people give when others are in need. Although, if I’m honest, I think most are just upset that we seem to have been denied a proper summer holiday season, especially as we are in the midst of winter now, brrr…..
On top of this, times are quite tough money wise for many as we navigate what has recently officially been termed a recession. Prices just keep going up and up, especially for what we see as ‘the basics’ - so our spending habits begin to shift and change. Life keeps moving and changing and we all do our best to keep up and adapt.

For me, things have definitely been difficult as I navigate a year of firsts since my wonderful partner passed away in July last year after a devastating battle with cancer. I’ve spent a lot of time in nature, with my dogs, just being in the moment as much as I can. Not putting too much pressure on myself to ‘do’, just trying to ‘be’ is enough. I miss him so much….one day, I might write a little more on this and share this love story with you all - but for now, I’ll just do my best to keep going; finding joy and love where I can. I’m so lucky to have the most amazing support from family and friends too - even in grief, blessings show up in much needed ways.
For MoonAmaia, things have continued to tick along, and I’m constantly grateful for the connections I’m making through this little business….lets have a wee look at what we’ve been up to and whats coming up…


After the last update, I was gearing up for a summer of markets in Whangamata starting with the Labour Weekend market that I booked in for in October. I had a wonderful day there (with some amazing helpers) and I’m always so grateful for the opportunity to get my brand and special treasures out for a day, but I have to say, sales were very slow despite the great foot traffic, and it knocked my confidence a bit. And once the adverse weather events started to kick in over summer, I unfortunately ended up not committing to any more of the summer markets scheduled.

However, this girl doesn’t give up easily - and I know that although sales can be slow, connecting with people and getting the MoonAmaia brand out into the world is my priority for markets. So I recently attended the first winter season of Little Big Markets in Whangamata (Williamson Park) on Sun 4 June - and wouldn’t you know it, the weather was cold but dry and sunny, And I met some wonderful people and made a few sales. So this girl was happy!

I’m going to be trying to change things up with my market offerings a bit moving forward - I mostly focus on selling crystals at the markets currently. But I want to weave more fun, interaction and magic into my market offerings - at the last market, I tested out doing one card readings, lucky dip crystal confetti scoops/picks, charm picks - smaller offerings but no less potent. The readings were really fun to do, so I may focus on trying to do more of those next time!

There is another market scheduled for Sun July 16 (for Matariki long weekend), but I’m not sure whether I’ll be able to make it to that one - we’ll see what happens. However, if you are in Whangamata for that weekend, make sure to pop into the market at Williamson Park if its on, I promise you, you won’t regret it!

Orders are a love language…

They say that when a small business owner makes a sale, they do a happy dance - and its no joke. Anytime someone makes an order or contacts me for any of the MoonAmaia offerings, it makes my day/week/month. I appreciate it so much!

So what has been on the radar of MoonAmaia customers lately?

Decks, decks, and more decks

I love that there are so many people who love divination decks as much as I do. Flying out the door recently - True Black tarot, Botanica tarot, Meraki tarot, The Foragers Daughter tarot, Visions in the Liminal Space and even decks I haven’t got around to listing yet (the amazing decks created by Pixel Occult - I get them in and they get snapped up before I get a chance to list them).
If you’re ever after any particular decks, feel free to let me know - I’ve had a few customers do this and funnily enough, many of the requests were on my list to stock. So try your luck, if you don’t see a deck you’re after on the website, feel free to get in touch.

Talisman/Pocket malas

I had a run of people requesting custom talismans before Xmas and a few requests have popped up over the last wee while too. I love creating these magical beauties so this has been such a joy for me to work on. I have a few on the go at the moment too - so please feel free to get in touch if you’re after something special. I often have a few talismans that haven’t been listed that I can show you, or I can make a custom piece for you.


Before Xmas I carried out my first group reading (which was really fun!). I’m very careful about how I prepare for and plan for group readings as there are a lot of extra factors at play compared to doing an individual reading with a single person. But I have to say, the group I read for was up for it, and made it so enjoyable. There was a lot of really deep insight into what the cards were saying and how the group worked with that information was inspiring. I always see myself as the guide in the reading process - people are intuitive and often will already know what the message in the cards is about, they just need someone to help them along that path.
If you would like a reading, fill in the reading request form or get in touch. Whatever you’re after, I will work with you to make sure we come up with a format and offering that suits you.

Shipping through June, July, August and September 2023

And finally, just a little heads up about timing for shipping. I will be travelling about at various times for various reasons over the next few months, and this means I may not have ready access to my stock if I’m away.

So if you order something from me when I’m away, and I won’t be able to send your package immediately, I’ll email you to try and give you an ETA for when I’ll be able to prepare and send your package. Just want to make sure you’re aware that this could happen.

As always, if you have any concerns or questions, feel free to get in touch or email me via

Take care out there, and keep being magical!

Kristel x


It’s been a while…